• An organization, division, department, process, product, policy, service, etc., that is on track toward the "ideal state"
• Understanding and support for the change
• A plan for continuous improvement
Change is inevitable in business and absolutely necessary for growth and competition. But human beings resist change, and demonstrate their resistance in a variety of ways. Ultimately, it is caused by heightened feelings of vulnerability and a loss of control. Therefore, change needs to be planned and managed carefully. Communication and support are keys and so is early involvement by those being affected by the change.
We use the "change model" where the desired future state is articulated and described, the current state is then examined, and gaps between the two are identified. A transition plan is then created to narrow or eliminate the gaps and plan for the implementation of the change(s). We help this process by guiding individuals, teams, or whole organizations depending on the size and scope of the intervention. (Back to Top)
Competency-Based H.R. Development
• A Human Resource Development System that reflects the values and supports the mission of the organization
• A closely linked and effective system of selection, hiring, orientation, performance management, training and development, career development and succession planning
Whatever business an organization is in, its people are its most important asset. From the time a person is a job candidate until they retire or leave the organization they owe the organization effort, dedication, accomplishment of objectives, ethical behavior and more. The organization also owes them fair compensation, openness, opportunity for growth and development, honest feedback and more. Therefore, a Human Resource Development System that reflects both parties' expectations is essential. We believe in the use of competency models as an aid to hiring, performance appraisal, and training and development. We also believe that people will perform best with clear objectives, expectations, role definition, feedback, and that communication is key to the implementation of any change, expecially in HRD.
Competency models are at the core of our approach. We help you create or recreate for each position in your organization the following: job descriptions, salary and benefits evaluations, interviewing and selection systems, performance management systems, training and development plans, and succession plans to provide associated orientation and/or training to complement any new or revised H.R. system. (Back to Top)
Meeting Facilitation
• A meeting that reaches its objectives/goals
• A meeting with active participation and input from all
• A meeting that is efficient and effective
• A meeting that allows the sponsor/leader/manager to be an active participant and not have to both lead and participate
Meetings often do not reach their stated objectives. Sometimes there are no stated objectives, or no agenda or no real process to help attain the goals of the meeting. Other problems can exist too like unequal participation, wandering off the topic, audio visual problems, running out of time or even participant sabotage!
We offer help in planning the meeting, whether it is a two-hour meeting or a two-week meeting. We help first decide if a meeting makes sense to have at all, and if a meeting makes sense, who should attend, what the objectives are, what the agenda will be, time frames for each item and what process to use to help attain each goal of the meeting.
During the meeting we facilitate and/or lead the process. Reviewing objectives, agenda items, setting ground rules for the meeting, watching the time and actively encouraging equal participation from all with appropriate questioning and leadership techniques. (Back to Top)
Organization Design
• An organization, division, department, or team that is designed well for the present and future
• A plan for continuous improvement and organization development
The rapid pace of change in today's business environment creates new companies, divisions, departments and teams continuously. Mergers, acquisitions, start-ups and shutdowns happen quickly and almost routinely today. We believe that special attention needs to be paid to this phenomenon, and that organizations need to be designed (or redesigned) carefully and strategically. We also believe that organizations need to be designed with historical perspective, a present-day approach and a vision of the future.
Using the change model as a guide, and socio-technical thinking as a framework, we vision the future, create a mission statement, clarify goals and objectives, identify tasks to be done and functions or people to perform them, examine reporting relationships, and span of control. We also design systems including performance management, communication, reporting, planning, and more. We do all of this with the organization’s culture in mind and its overall goals paramount. (Back to Top)
• A significantly more efficient, effective and profitable organization
• An organization vision, mission, set of objectives, and plan for sustained growth and profit
• An organization development plan that values continuous quality improvement and people as a key asset
Traditional interventions to improve an organization's performance are sometimes not enough. Instituting a quality initiative or planning for future growth are good ideas but in some cases more radical and dramatic change is needed. Re-engineering is literally going back even farther than the drawing board and re-thinking the organization's vision, mission, objectives, structure, roles, responsibilities and more.
We use a team-based socio-technical approach to re-engineer an organization. In this approach, technical issues like work process flow and variances in the processes, as well as social issues like job descriptions and communications are examined. Input is obtained from all stakeholders including suppliers, customers, management and employees. Other competitive data is obtained through bench-marking. Ultimately, a re-engineered new organization design is created, jointly optimizing the social and technical aspects of the organization and preparing the organization for sustained growth and/or profitability. (Back to Top)
Strategic Planning
• A strategic plan for the company/organization, division, department or team
• A plan for continuous improvement
Plans sometimes fail but more often the problem organizations have is failing to plan. We believe that planning is work and a good plan (implemented well) leads to success. The "Just do it" approach and the "Ready, fire, aim" mentality are esoterically appealing, but a sound approach that includes real planning will never be out of vogue.
Depending on need and the particular organization's culture, any or all of the following may be done utilizing a planning team: creating a vision of the future and a mission statement, identifying "smart" objectives, action planning with who's, what's and by when's. Specific plans may also be designed for key disciplines including Marketing, Sales, Production/Operations, Capital Improvement, Finance, IT, Human Resources, Customer Service, etc. (Back to Top)
• A more effective and efficient team of people through enhanced clarity and trust
• A better understanding of the team's mission, goals and fit with the larger organization
• A better understanding of each team member's role and responsibilities
Individual and team action plans for continued improvement
The team concept is being utilized in virtually all businesses and organizations today, and with good reason: It Works! Any team, even a high-performing team, has room for improvement. Team building, or the improvement in how well a team performs, is therefore a continuous process.
We begin with interviews and/or surveys of each team member to diagnose areas for improvement and difficult issues being faced by the team. After analysis and planning with the team leader, an offsite meeting is held and facilitated with appropriate time spent on any of the following: visioning, mission, goals & objectives, roles & responsibilities, communication, group processes, concerns, problem solving & decision making, team dynamics, interpersonal issues, motivation, conflict resolution and feedback. We usually build in some time for fun and socializing, too! (Back to Top)
Total Quality Leadership
• Increased quality in products and services to customers
• Improved business systems and processes
• Greater clarity of roles and responsibilities in the organization
• Enhanced teamwork
• A continuous quality improvement approach
PHILOSOPHY Quality in products and services to customers is the foundation of business.
A belief in continuous quality improvement and actions toward that belief separate the successful businesses from the not successful. Measuring quality, using statistical, data-based techniques, working with teams, improving processes, training, clarifying roles, breaking down barriers and driving out fear are all part of total quality leadership.
Our approach varies depending on the starting point for each organization. The formation of teams, training in statistical data-based techniques and problem solving, gathering customer/stakeholder input, and of course the identification of processes/systems to improve are always part of our approach. Some organizations also benefit from leadership training, teambuilding, and the creation or modification of visions, missions, goals, strategic plans, etc. (Back to Top)